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Attitude Is Everything: Change Your Attitude and You Change Your Life!

Review : Yet another 100-ish pages self-help book. There’s seemingly endless stuff that is out of your control. But three things in life you are in total control over are ➊ your thought ➋ your attitude ➌ your effort. The theme of this book revolves around attitude.

Everyone starts with a clean mental window. […] But as you know, there comes a point where life starts throwing some dirt at our windows. And here’s what happens: our windows get …

• splattered by criticism from parents and teachers
• smudged bu ridicule from peers
• smeared by rejection
• soiled by disappointments
• clouded by doubt

The problem is, the dirt keeps building up, and all too many people do nothing about it. They continue to go through life with a filthy window. They lose their enthusiasm. They get frustrated and depressed. And most tragically, they give up on their dreams – all becuase they failed to clean their attitude windows.

P.14 Attitude is Everything by Jeff Keller

I really liked Keller’s attitude-as-a-window analogy. Here are the rest of the takeaways. Those are nothing more than reminders which we need from time to time

  • Law of dominant thoughts
    – You become what you think about
  • Thoughts precedes action
    – Your results in every area of your life reflect your deeply held thoughts about yourself
    – If your thoughts don’t change, your results won’t change
  • Repetition is the key
  • No overnight success
    – Success requires effort, commitment and patience
  • Visualisation
    – Mentally envision a successful outcome
    – You have control over the pictures that occupy your mind
  • Commitment
    – The willingness to do whatever it takes
  • Thoughts → Words → Beliefs → Actions → Results
  • Stop complaining
    – No on wants to hear neagative news about your illness and your problems
    – Complaining reinforces your pain and discomfort
    – Complaining accomplishes nothing and diverts you from the constructive actions you could be taking to improve your situation
  • Confront your fears and be willing to expand your comfort zone
  • Get out there and fail
    – Failure is essential for growth
    – You may be disappointed if you fail, but you’re doomed if you don’t try


You have to face the fact that some people will disapprove of your decision. I also learned that you often have to let go of some things in your life and take a few steps backward before you can move forward in a new direction.

P.9 Attitude is Everything by Jeff Keller

Vision is the art of seeing things invisible to others

Jonathan Swift

Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuse to quit.

Napolean Hill

Doors will open. You don’t have to know at the outset how to achieve your goal. Sure, you’ll be better off if you have a plan of attack, but it’s not essential that every step by mapped out in advance.

In fact, when you have the willingness to do whatever it takes, the “right” steps are often suddenly revealed to you

P.39 Attitude is Everything by Jeff Keller

Even with a commitment, everything won’t be rosy on your path. Life will test you to see how serious you are about achieveing your objective

P.40 Attitude is Everything by Jeff Keller

The Dip – the long slog between starting and mastery! (Read here)

The responses to How are you? can be classified into three categories : negative, mediocre and positive.

Respond with energy and enthusiasm that you’re Great! of Terrific! Say it with a smile and a sparkle in your eye. It doesn’t matter whether or not you completely and totally feel terrific at that moment. Simply apply the act-as-if principle.

P.67 Attitude is Everything by Jeff Keller

To achieve your goals and realise your potential, you must be willing to be uncomfortable – to do things that you’re afraid to do

P.91 Attitude is Everything by Jeff Keller

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