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Parafield Diaries 001: First Circuits

My first circuits at YPPF were a wild one.

Set for left-hand circuits on runway 21L, I was ready to soar. But then, out of the blue, ATC goes: “Extend downwind 21L, Join downwind 08L.” Trying to wrap my head around the sudden switch, I found myself more lost than a sock in the dryer. In a classic student move, I instinctively turned to Chris my instructor for guidance to navigate the chaos.

We smoothly transitioned from 08L downwind to base leg, then stretched the base leg to make it to 08R final. Just as I thought I had a handle on things, at 500 feet, I nearly made a left climbing turn on 08R, forgetting it was a right-hand circuit. Thankfully, Chris stepped in with a timely reminder, saving me from a rookie mistake.

And just when I thought our adventure was reaching its climax, mother nature had other plans. Dust devils coupled with other factors cutting our journey short.

Total flight time 0.9 hour